Michelle Gil-Montero

Michelle Gil-Montero is a poet and translator of contemporary Latin American poetry, hybrid-genre work, and theory. She has translated several books by Andrés Ajens, María Negroni, and Valerie Mejer Caso. She has been awarded fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Howard Foundation, as well as a Fulbright US Scholar's Grant to Argentina and a PEN/Heim Translation Prize. She is the author of the poetry books Attached Houses (Brooklyn Arts Press) and Object Permanence (Ornithopter Press), and her work has appeared in jubilat, Spoon River Poetry Review, Jacket2, and others. At Saint Vincent College, she directs the Minor in Literary Translation and is the founding editor of Eulalia Books.

2024 Events
Translation as Poetic Practice: Five Case Studies