Allison Joseph lives, writes, and teaches in Carbondale, Illinois, where she is part of the creative writing faculty at Southern Illinois University. She serves as editor and poetry editor of Crab Orchard Review, moderator of the Creative Writers Opportunities List, and director of the Young Writers Workshop, a summer writers’ workshop for teen writers. Her books and chapbooks include What Keeps Us Here (Ampersand Press), Soul Train (Carnegie Mellon University Press), In Every Seam (University of Pittsburgh), Worldly Pleasures (Word Tech), Imitation of Life (Carnegie Mellon UP), Voice: Poems (Mayapple Press), My Father's Kites (Steel Toe Books), Trace Particles (Backbone Press), Little Epiphanies (Imaginary Friend Press), Mercurial (Mayapple Press), Multitudes (Word Tech Communications), The Purpose of Hands (Glass Lyre Press), Mortal Rewards (White Violet Press), Double Identity (Singing Bone Press), What Once You Loved ( forthcoming this spring from Barefoot Muse Press), and Confessions of a Barefaced Woman (forthcoming, Red Hen Press). She is the literary partner and wife of Jon Tribble. Recent awards include the New Georgia Arts Literary Achievement Award, a $10,000 prize she was the first recipient of, the First Night Poetry Prize, and the Paladin Award from the literary journal Rhino.
Allison Joseph